It took me some time to make this list because I had to wait until I had at least been at my new job for a couple weeks. The first week was a lot of admin type stuff that needed to get done. However, after that, I was able to get out to the flight line and start learning a few things. I'm really starting to like it. In case you did not know, I used to fly unmanned aircraft when I was in the military. I absolutely loved my job, but due to some circumstances out of my control I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder upon returning from a 15 month deployment to Iraq. Because of this diagnosis, I have to take medications and lost my flight medical status. In order to fly aircraft, you must have a flight status that proves you are medically fit for duty. Since then, the Federal Aviation Administration has changed some of the rules, but I still have a few more months before I can regain my flight status. At this point I have been hired as a maintainer. My job consists of aircraft maintenance as well as instructing soldiers in proper maintainence techniques. I am enjoying seeing the aircraft from a different perspective and feel that it will actually help me to become a better operator when I do get my flight status back. It's one thing to be able to fly the aircraft, but another to understand how it works! I'm loving it. So, here is my list:
****My list may be hard to read. Here it is just in case: ~It's brand new to me ~Mr. Fantastic works there as well ~ I get to prove that girls can do it ~ I'm learning a lot ~ I get to travel all over the country and sometimes even the world ~ Aviation field ~ Pays well ~ It makes me feel important ~ I work with a lot of friends.
****One thing that I did forget to put on the list here is that it meets my criteria of having a secure paycheck before we get married and in order to ensure that we have some stability before having children. What does that mean? Well, it means that perhaps soon Mr. Fantastic and I will go from the "yes we are going to get married" to the "we are officially engaged, have a pretty diamond, and set a date" stage, and soon after that will be comfortable with starting our family!!!
First of all thank you for your service! Wish you the best with getting back your flight status back! It's always nice to work with your favorite person!