Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Scarf That Took Forever!

About a year and a half ago, I found a really cute scarf that I wanted so bad.  It was really pretty.  I found the pattern and it seemed easy enough so I tought myself to knit.  Well, after I got haf-way through my first practice scarf I kind of got tired of it because I just wasn't very good.  I had bought all the special yarns to knit the really pretty one though.  It required microfiber, ladder, ribbon, feather, and eyelash yarns.  I just tucked them away and swore that oneday I would make that scarf.  The yarn has haunted me ever since!  So a few weeks ago, I picked up my knitting 101 book, found the pattern again and got out the yarn!  The first little bit was rough, but I figured it out, and just kept going.  I finally finished it tonight!!  Woohoo!  So excited!  Here are the pictures:

It looks way harder than it is.  The fanciness comes from the different types of yarns, the unwoven ends for each sectin, and knitting with two yarns at once.  It's pretty easy though - just knit and pearl!  There are some adding and subtracting of stitches but its just so you end up with super big and loose stitches.  I may end up posting the pattern latter on if people are interested.  Let me know!
Have an awesome week friends!


  1. sweet scarf! i truly love the colors!and i got to be honest: it looks hard to make!;)awesome blog by the way!



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